Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to the US! "Masalaama Masr!"

The past 7 weeks have flown by and I'm flying out early tomorrow morning! This trip has been a combination of amazing and frustrating, but overall it was a fantastic growing experience. I've done things I've never done before, stepped out of my comfort zone, and taken charge of my own life. I've made awesome friends and encountered some wonderful and colorful people. The school itself is horribly run, but the country of Egypt is amazing and there is so much more to explore. While I've had my fair share of interesting experiences and stares involving taxi drivers, tour guides, bedouins, sexist men, and shop keepers, and the food was not always fantastic, and things didn't always turn out as planned, the little "bumps in the road" kept me on my toes and made the trip come alive. There is so much more I'd like to experience and visit and I certainly want to travel back again to Luxor and the Sinai peninsula. While I can't wait to see the people I've left in the US, and leave all the craziness of Cairo behind, I will surely miss walking around the desert in the warm evening, shopping in the bazaar, gazing at the Nile, and sitting at cafes drinking mango juice. "Masalaama Masr. Shukrun for everything, and I will return one day. Insha'allah."

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