Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Relaxing Day Before Classes Begin

Today was a pretty relaxing day. We start classes tomorrow so I made sure to sleep in one last time. After a slow morning, we bought some school supplies, located our classrooms in the most confusing building ever (there is no order or sense to it - much like a lot of Cairo) and then we ate some falafel on campus.

After spending the rest of the afternoon pleasure reading under an umbrella outside in the common area, about 8 of us went into the town of El Rihab (about 15 minutes away). We sat down for dinner outside at an Egyptian restaurant called something like Arabiata (not sure exactly). I love how since it's so warm during the day and it hardly rains, we're able to eat outside comfortably when the temp goes to about 70 degrees. The food was delicious here. Some people ordered moussaka, which is an eggplant dish sometimes sered with meat. I tried fatta with lentils, which basically consists of pita chips topped with rice and then covered with pureed lentils. It was sooo good and only cost $2 for a huge portion. The restaurant also served freshly mad pita bread, which put any store-bought brand to shame.

Following dinner, we walked around and found a French-Arab pastry shop called La Poire :) We all got a little cake or baklava. It was really funny seeing such a classy pastry shop mixed in with some "slummy" shops.

All in all the day was very relaxing and tasty ;)

I'm not looking forward to starting class tomorrow though!

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